Friday, December 14, 2007

Purely out of Sympathy

Dearest not eldest sister,

As you have requested this post is about you and only you. Dearest Haley it seems as if you feel forgotten, excluded, suffering from middle child syndrome. So this entire post is for you. You are a good sister. You do not fall asleep all the time and you do not have an adorable little baby. You fix food and appreciate Hires as much as I do. You take sick days when you are not sick. You pretend to play games when you are really not. You made me wear a suit when you said I could wear a Hawiian shirt and levis. But still you are a good sister. You take me places. Even places I don't want to go to. Buy me food and play board games and video games sometimes. You love me even when I spill Sprite in your car. You even say you like me when I can see in your eyes that you are super mad and I can see that you want to injure me very badly. You are a good replacement mom when I need one sometimes.

You are my favorite sister that is shorter than me, looks like me, and usually acts like me.

You are an excellent sister sister.

1 comment:

Bing Math said...

Ooohhhh . . . what a nice baby brother. I'm glad I can be your substitute mother sometimes. Thanks for the pity post. But, for the record, you are NOT taller than me! Ha!