Sunday, December 2, 2007

Hello Mr. Hinclkey

No at stake conference we did not have President Hinckley but we did have his son. I did not really pay attention but my mom had to fix him dinner last night. It was freezing cold just walking into the building. And when we got home I finished most of my homework. I very highly despise homework. You are not supposed to to "schoolwork" at home you really shouldn't have to do work when your at home. Work is supposed to be done at school or work. That's why its called work, because you do work. I had to write a "sensory poem" which is basically a non-rhyming poem where you describe something by using all five of your senses. It is pretty stupid, and then my teacher said that we had to have a simile or a metaphor in our stupid poem. I still don't even know what is the difference between a simile or a metaphor is. And then i had to do some strange science worksheet that neither me or my dad could figure out how to do. Silly teacher homework is dumb!!!!


Bing Math said...

"School work" is for school. "Homework" is for home. "Work" is everywhere.

A simile uses "like" or "as." A metaphor compares 2 things without using those words.

Simile: The snow is like a pile of marshmallows.

Metaphor: The snow marshmallows slowly piled up outside my door.

Annie said...


i would like to read your non rhyming poem with a simile or metaphor.

please put it on your blog.

japetersen said...

You are a good writer.