Saturday, July 19, 2008

I Will Survive!!!!

  • I made it!!! WOO HOO! Scout camp is over.

I got 7 merit badges and swam in the coldest lake in the world. It was really fun but I am tired. Our Troop (96) won not only most AWESOMEST troop (should be real award) but we won the mountain man relay race and the Friday Spirit Stick with our German power, which means it is ours to keep.

The best additions to are troop were 2 german exchange students Max and Valentine.

I only got somewhere between 60 and 70 misquito bites.

There were a whole buch of speech problems, not only scouts but staff too, you could't really tell what anyone was saying.

There was one person who I could not tell if he/she was a boy or a girl.

But all in all it was a good scout camp

Except it took forever to get home, and my legs were covered in dirt.

I had a very thick sock line


Bing Math said...

I like the moose badge? Do they allow girls at scout camp? Wouldn't all of the he/she's have been he's?

Bing Math said...

Sorry. I didn't mean to put a question mark after moose badge.

Anonymous said...

Why do you keep changing your login name? Horse with no name??? - Haley

Staples said...

keep it up with scouting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!