Saturday, January 12, 2008

A long, long Week

I apologize for not posting this week it has been very long and busy. Overall it hasn't been a "bad" week but it hasn't been to wonderful either. Just normal, boring school. Sucky teachers, stupid people, kids that will not leave you alone because they are retards. I have decided that short people are insecure and unstable. And that every teacher at my stupid school is a total moron. Also, my dad bought this stupid clock thing that is super noisy, you can hear it from the basement.

On Friday in Science class we were supposed to turn in a paper that explained what we were going to do for the science fair. Well out of the 12 or 15 kids that actually did it I was not one of them. She only approved maybe 4 or 5 and mine was not one of those.

her: what is it.
Me: I will shoot so many free throws so many days a week and then record my data.
Her: Well... I don't think it 's... (sciency enough). We will have to go talk to Mr.(another weird science teacher)
me: Okay (whatever)

So I wait till class is over and I go up to her.
her: follow me
me: okay
her ( to other teacher): I don't know if his project will work
Him: well what is it
Me: I will...
Her (interrupting me): ( precedes to tell what my project is)
Him: (scratches head) Ummm... Uhhh... Well... No it won't work
Me: so I have to do a different one
Her: (nods)
Me (while walking away): (mocking them)

And on top of all this I lost my Jr. Jazz game. Even worse to a smart-alik punk in our ward. So retarded.

On the good side of things we went out and bought a popcorn popper. It makes good popcorn and It is entertaining. I think I passed my Spanish test. iMuy Bien!


Bing Math said...

Sorry about your science project. Did you remember to tell them that you had a "hypothesis" that you were going to test?

Jodi said...

Spanish? Did you give up on German?