Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Aplogogy Letter

Sorry Y'all. I have been busy lately with my thumb and my homework so I haven't blogged lately.
The Utes are doing AWESOME! They are undefeated and going to kill BYU.
My thumb is doing better. I got my cast taken off a week ago and now I am in a removable splint it is pretty cool.
The Wolverines finally won a game. We beat Cottonwood in the freezing cold rain, but it was still really fun.
There is a link to my history project over there on the left It is pretty cool so I would check it out.


Bing Math said...

I think you did a nice job on your history project. Now work on your spelling ;) Aplogogy?

japetersen said...

You have so much to blog about -- get blogging boy!